Monday, January 9, 2017

Looking more like Jesus | Suffering for his greater purpose


I want to look more like you.


Growing up in the church I knew that I needed to strive to "look more like Jesus." Now if you aren't a Christian and you are reading this you may be thinking that I'm asking for my skin to lighten, and my jaw to widen... among a few other physical alterations.

That is not what I was asking for. First off we know that Jesus was not a white man with perfect hair. 😂

For my friends who don't know, it means to take on his characteristics.

Now back to my point. I've spent most of my life asking God to help me look more like Jesus without fully understanding what I was asking for. When I was younger I thought I was just asking for help being nice to others, and let’s be honest it isn't an easy task.  But as I get older and have more and more encounters with reality I've learned that it is much more than this.

Looking like Jesus means we will face suffering. 

"But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed." Is 53:5

Things are about to get personal

November 2014
I was sitting on my mom and dad's bed with my phone to my ear anxiously waiting for my doctor to explain what Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) was and what it meant for my future. She gently explained that it meant I had a hormone imbalance that could cause several health complications like depression, weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and infertility. November 2014 had all the ingredients to throw me in to a spiraling disaster. Earlier that month a close friend passed away unexpectedly and I was diagnosed with Vitiligo (an autoimmune disease that causes the loss of pigment in skin). But the Lord sustained me. He reminded me that he cares for me even in deep dark places.

Here I am two years later sitting in service at church praying over families, asking the Lord to give them wisdom in raising up their children, and I start crying.

One day my husband and I will potentially one of the few couples who are in their seat hurting because we couldn't conceive a child.

Today Jesus reminded me that "looking like him" means that I'll experience suffering for his greater purpose. Years ago, (long before learning about my health issues) the Lord made it known that He is calling me to adopt children and to be an advocate for the fatherless. Two years ago, the Lord confirmed his call for motherhood through adoption with difficult news from a doctor. He used this time to remind me of the suffering and joy that comes with choosing to love a fatherless child. 

We all have a choice. To fight the call God has given us, or to learn to suffer with grace. 
I've chosen to take time to grieve, and then put down my box of tissues and get on my knees in prayer. 


Be encouraged! The Lord has purpose in your suffering.

Your suffering can be used to show his great works in healing. (John 9)
Your suffering can be used for the greater good. (Jerimiah 29)
Your suffering can be used to refine you. (Romans 5 & James 1)

If you are suffering take some time to pray as Jesus did.
"Then he said to them, 'My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain here, and watch with me.' And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, 'My Father if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.'"  

With Love,


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Fatima "Rosario"

I met Rosario on June 11th. She attends the social work group that I had the pleasure of helping with. Her two sweet daughters also attend the social work group on Fridays. Rosario welcomed us into her home on Wednesday the 18th to get a change to drink Soda, eat Mamones and Mangos, and get to know each other.

We were informed about the difficulties that she is facing. One of them being her marriage, her husband left her and their girls about a year ago. He now has another baby with his girlfriend. Rosario is forced to care for her husband's other child. She now lives with her mother-in-law and other family members. She has been very discouraged lately, and is finding it difficult to pray and talk to the Lord.

We had a great chance to fellowship with her and encourage her a bit.
Here are a few ways that you can join me in prayer for Rosario, Miriam, and Keren.

  • Pray for her marriage to be restored
  • Pray for her two daughters 
    • Miriam & Keren 
  • Pray that her heart will be softened 
  • Pray for her relationship with her mother-in-law

With love,

Friday, June 13, 2014

Update On Nicaragua Mission Trip

Once again it is very difficult to sum up our time in Nicaragua. We are all enjoying our time here and have grown to love everyone we meet as family. It is amazing to see how the Lord is working in the hearts of Nicaraguans and how he has chosen to use us as his hands and feet!

Individual updates:

Jackie H.
These are the most loving people I have ever met. Today I was able to share my testimony with a woman named Pastora... please pray that God would call her son out of darkness.

Katie L.
Our site we have been busy building a shelter for the workshop and getting to know and serve the people of Jocote. We have been raking brush, transporting supplies and visiting homes and to tell people about S.I. and our service opportunities. Pray for more opportunities to show the love of Jesus and to get to know the people in a deep and meaningful way!

Victoria W.
Enjoying learning how to communicate with women and children at my site by learning Spanish and teaching them English. It's a great experience.

Vicki M
Things are going great! Please pray for Fatima that she would experience God's love and freedom in new and amazing ways!

Tiffini Q.
The Nicaraguan people are some of the warmest, most welcoming people that I have ever met. I have been blown away by the testimonies of Christ's love and healing among the beautiful women. Please pray for a smart and talented woman named Danieska that she come to know Christ and please continue to pray that Christ moves though our team to impact the people here.

Noelia A.
It is great to be in Nicaragua again! I am overwhelmed with joy to see familiar faces and such kind hearts. My main prayer request is for a good use of the remaining time with my sweet Nicaraguan family. I was sick for a short period of time but I quickly recovered and the doctor said that it must of been from food or a bug.

There are a few names missing, they are all doing well and experiencing the move of God in Nicaragua.

With love,
Noelia & team

Monday, August 26, 2013

I need Jesus just as much a Miley Cyrus does.

I'm sure by now that you have all heard the news, yesterday Miley Cyrus performed at the the VMAs and it is safe to say that her performance was very... raunchy. If you haven't seen the performance I don't suggest that you go see it, it is not worth your time, it is better to be "out of the loop" than to have this image in your mind. I don't want to get into details about the performance and I don't' want to glorify what she did but I do want to bring up some thoughts that I had after seeing this video.

When I heard the news of Miley's performance I was overwhelmed with many different emotions, but the strongest feeling was the need to pray. Not just to pray for the people who saw the performance, not just for Miley's heart broken family but for Miley. I remembered who I was before the Lord got a hold of my heart, I remembered the pain I felt, my need for acceptance and attention.

Then I was reminded

I need Jesus just as much as Miley does and so do you. I have sinned so much more than I would ever want to admit. My lies put Jesus on that cross. My envy put Jesus on the cross. My hate, anger, lust, and disrespect put him on the cross. I am a horrible sinner, but we have a great God who forgives and that is how I can call myself a new person who has started with a clean slate.

I am challenging myself and I want to encourage you all to do the same--
When you see a link, video, or photo of Miley to pray for her rather than share the link. If you find yourself having a difficult time praying for her remember who Paul was before he encountered God.

"For you have heard of my former life in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God violently and tried to destroy it.And I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people, so extremely zealous was I for the traditions of my fathers.But when he who had set me apart before I was born, and who called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son to [fn] me, in order that I might preach him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately consult with anyone" Galatians 1:13-16 

With Love,

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

In the Potter's Hands

I am in awe of God's love for us. My mission trip to Nicaragua was over a month ago but God is still teaching me so much from the trip. When I was in Nicaragua we visited a potter's house, he was incredibly wise. The potter showed us/explained the process of creating a beautiful piece of pottery. 

First the clay is found in the darkest parts  of the Earth. To the normal eye this clay is nothing special but the Potter sees its potential. 
He picks out the impurities so it can be prepped for molding.   

Once the clay is ready to be molded the Potter rolls it into a ball and sets it on the wheel then he begins. 

The Potter told us as he molds the clay he can feel the impurities that are left in the clay... and they hurt his hands.

If there are any impurities left in the clay he cannot mold it in to his masterpiece.

So he will pick out the impurities and start all over again.

Once he has molded the clay the Potter checks it for impurities and picks them out.

And fills the wholes that they left behind.

Once the pottery is ready the Potter beings the last step before the fire, he paint the clay

Once the pottery has been placed in the fire it can't be changed.

And if that clay still had impurities it will show. There is no taking it back, the potter no longer has use of it.

As great as all of the previous information none of it changed my life like this next part did.

 The potter grabbed a piece of work that he had  molded, destroyed, remolded, picked, filled, and painted and dropped it on the floor. The moment the fragile piece of clay hit the floor it shattered. The whole group sat in total silence. We didn't understand why a potter would let his work of art fall a break. Before we could lose hope the potter told us clay can be molded, destroyed, remolded, picked, filled, and painted but if it has not faced the fire the potter can still use it.

The potter then picked up broken piece of painted clay and told us that he could take the clay and start the process all over again. It can be made new. 

I don't know about you, but I am a piece of clay that has been molded, destroyed, remolded, picked, filled, painted and broken. If you are feeling discouraged, if you think that the Lord cannot use you I am here to tell you that you are terribly wrong. The world may see a broken piece of clay but God sees your potential.

Something to remember:
Saul caused many followers of Christ to die, and at what some people would call a low point God changed his life and molded him into something totally new. Don't forget that Paul faced many trails in life after that, but God gave him the strength and many lives were changed because of the many times Paul was "remolded".

With love,

Monday, April 22, 2013

Have times really changed?

I've heard so many women get excited over this poster popping up from time to time on the internet. 
They demand that "curvy women take back the media!" 
But here is the harsh truth :
Advertising wasn't any better then than it is now. 
If you haven’t noticed the times haven't really changed. Women are still being pressured to look a particular way to please others. As women we appreciate this poster now because most of us look like the thicker girl but imagine how women that looked like the thinner girl felt. 

They felt like they didn't look good in a bathing suit
They felt like needed to change how they looked. 
They felt like they are weren't good enough. 
Sound familiar?

The only difference with society now is that women are being told to lose weight rather than gain it. Rather than telling women how to look we need to teach them how to be healthy rather than “beautiful”. This picture shows us that what society considers beautiful is ALWAYS changing, but being physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy will always be a winning situation for women.  

All women wear their weight in a different way. Stop trying to look a particular way and work to be a healthier version or you

Get the facts on Eating disorders and dieting

With love,

Friday, September 14, 2012

Being honest.

If I’m not pointing people to Jesus then I’m wasting my life.
Aaron Gillespie

I've been doing some self examining lately, and I've found some really upsetting things. It is no news that I moved to Virginia to attend a Liberty University this January. Well like everyone else here I've been taking some bible classes and I get so much work in these classes it isn't even funny. Sadly with all of the homework I get in these classes I've noticed that when I am out of these classes I don't want to talk about the bible, Jesus or God because I just want to get away from my homework.

Now I am not saying that I need to be throwing bible verses around at all times but being honest here being a Christian became a bit of a burden to me and that is never okay. I've allowed school to take away my joy of spreading the gospel from me and I don't want that. The whole point of all this homework is so I can learn to apply the bible to my life. I moved to Virginia to learn more about God and about who I am in him so I can give all of me to his's kingdom. It is such an honor to be a child of God, it is a blessing to spread the news of a savior to the outside world and even more so in America where I am not being killed or tortured because of my beliefs! I have become such a spoiled American Christian and I am the person that I cannot stand. 

"If I'm not pointing people to Jesus then I'm wasting my life." I don't think Aaron Gillespie could have said it any better. The reason for my life is to continue spreading the news of a savior to the world and I need to remember that. In the same interview Aaron says 

"Google says this: 40% of Americans will die of cancer. But The Bible says that the wages of sin is death and that’s a cancer that 100% of all humanity will die of. And our goal and our job and our cause is to cure people of that cancer that is sin and when we forget to do that it’s literally like a man hiding in his house that had the cure for cancer for twenty years and is hiding it. It’s a criminal action and it would be super, super, super, huge immediate swarm if someone had the cure for cancer and didn’t tell. Can you imagine what it would be like? This guy would be ostracized it would be insane. We have the cure for something that is way more deadly and how often is it that we hide the cure?"

Now if that didn't hit you like a sack of bricks, I have no idea what will. I urge you to read this interview, it has really encouraged me and I hope it will do the same for you.

With Love,